Rift Zone: Contact

Fast-Paced Tabletop Battles

Rift Zone: Contact is a fast-paced, tabletop strategy game. Visualize conflicts like never before with Augmented Reality. Stage massive turn-based battles with up to 8 players. Destroy your enemies. Save your species! 

Step into a futuristic battlefield on the distant world of Proxima Centauri B. Command either the United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) or the Scry'Ox Collective. Engage in strategic miniatures battles, navigate treacherous terrain, and outwit your opponent(s) with cunning tactics.

Every game is different! Each level of the campaign demands different strategies to meet the victory conditions. Or make your own rules and set up a one-time skirmish. The game challenges players to adapt their tactics to different goals using the unique abilities of their faction. Every decision impacts the outcome and the stakes are high. Your ultimate goal? Dominate the battlefield, secure the planet, and save your species!

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  • Engaging Story

    This isn't just a bug-hunt.

    The Scry'Ox are not villains. They are a society with a long history and culture, and just as tough and determined as humanity, and have just as much right to this new world.

    What comes later, of course, is anyone's guess. A rift in space time has been opened and ancient ruins hint at a lost civilization...

    Choose a side 
  • Units Are More Than MIniatures

    Each miniature in Rift Zone: Contact is designed by our 3D artist into unique forms that make them fun to play with and great to look at on their own.

    Each is Uniquely identified using RFID and will gain experience, in-game tech, and stories the more you play.

    Make your army your own!

    See the Armies 
  • Maps Are More Than Tiles

    Each large hexagonal tile showcases beautiful art for different terrain. Put them together to make a space-limited board or scatter them and use the entire table (or room) for your battle!

    The Rift Zone: Contact app brings the terrain to life in stunning 3D, rendered in augmented reality. Terrain effects on movement, accuracy, and more are all tracked by the app so you don't have to.

    Explore the Terrain 


How to Play

Select your army, lay out your terrain tiles and position your miniatures on the battlefield. Armies and terrain can be dictated by the campaign or freeform in a skirmish. Each faction has unique abilities and strategies. Your goal: dominate the field and secure victory.

A game consists of multiple rounds, each with turns for every unit. When your faction's music plays on your smartphone, it's time to act. Activate a unit and take a turn. Spend Action Points (AP) on attacks and abilities. AP recharges between rounds, and unused AP rolls over to the next round up to the unit’s maximum. Keep some AP in reserve for evading and counter-attacking. When you are finished the turn moves to another player.

On your turn, you can:

  • Move: Units move in centimeters, with movement limits varying by unit and terrain. You can split moves and take actions in between. Once a unit’s movement is used up, it can't move again until the next round.
  • Attack: Each attack has a maximum range and accuracy formula, with potential damage and special effects. The app handles calculations, so you can focus on strategy.
  • Use Abilities: Utilize special unit abilities to boost movement, repair damage, enhance defenses, and much more!

Enemy Actions: Opponents can evade or counterattack. Manage your AP wisely to defend against these moves and keep your units effective.

The game ends when you meet the victory conditions. Each skirmish and level of a campaign may have different victory conditions. Outmaneuver your rivals to claim victory.

  • Assassination: Eliminate a specific enemy unit before your opponent does the same with yours.
  • Conquest: Protect your assigned tile while you try to capture your opponent's tile
  • Elimination: Destroy all enemy units.
  • Gauntlet: Move your target unit to the designated territory while your opponent tries to stop you
  • King of the Hill: Race to be the first to take control of a target tile and hold it for a specific amount of time.