Advanced Miniatures
Each miniature in Rift Zone: Contact is designed by our 3D artist into unique forms that make them fun to play with and great to look at on their own. They are injection molded out of PVC to be easy to paint and last for years.
There are six types of units in each faction. Get to know their capabilities for the best tactical advantage. You can choose your squad to match your play style, a numerous fast moving force or a few heavily armored tanks.
As you play each unit grows in capabilities and gains access to new technologies to deploy during battle.

Space Ranger
Trained for zero G combat and armed with hyper velocity rail guns, these highly capable infantry are able to adapt to almost any environment. Their metal-ceramic powered armor gives them enhanced strength and damage resistance giving them a fighting chance..
Most space rangers have spent their lives between worlds and follow the motto “vires in unitate”, meaning ‘Strength in unity’ translated from Old Terran. Capable rangers are promoted to man the other mechs and armored units of the UEDF.

Reapers are a modification of the dominant species of ScryOx in their home world, known as the Aspiras, and the one from which the ScryOx queens ascended. Because of this, they are the most populous of the combatants fighting for the collective and the most capable of taking on a wide range of challenges. Intelligent, fast, and with dexterous three fingered hands to compliment their deadly claws the Reaper is a heavily modified version of the base ScryOx with much of its body rebuilt to incorporate organic machinery and weapons including deadly corrosive nanite projectors.
The other members of the ScryOx collective strive to ascend to have their essence placed into one of the Aspiras by the ScryOx queen they are pledged to, with great accomplishments and contributions to the collective weighing in their favor.

Originally designed as a loader and construction mech called the APCM (All Purpose Construction Mech), these powerful machines were used to build the UEDF Colony on Proxima Centauri. With only limited numbers of heavy weapons like the Stormbringer and Juggernaut available to the UEDF colonists at the start of the conflict with the Scry’Ox they applied their ingenuity and machine shops to quickly retrofit the APCM from peacetime operations to an effective combat system, renamed the Excalibur. Each mech carries a high speed heavy gatling gun that unleashes tremendous punishment at close to medium range. Additionally the Excalibur is equipped with a shield and an advanced alloy arm blade that can be superheated cutting through even the toughest Scry’Ox carapace.
The Proxima Centauri colonists continue to build and optimize Excaliburs to improve their fighting effectiveness and are researching how to longer range weapons systems to give them a fighting chance against ScryOx Stalkers.

The Stalker, or Telum as they are known in the Scry’Ox language, is one of the most formidable members of the collective. Evolved from a nemesis of the Scry'Ox, a predator that was later pacified, the Telum continue to be treated with wary respect. Second only to the Aspiras in the hierarchy, Telum are somewhat aloof, and pride themselves in being independent. They menace other lesser members of the collective and give grudging obeisence to the Aspiras, always aware that their size and more powerful gravity manipulation makes them a match for any other species except the dim but relentless Mauler. Stalkers do nothing without reason, and need to be convinced that the strategy and direction they are being provided makes sense. Powerful as they are, the Stalkers modified for combat prefer to destroy opponents from a great distance, never risking harm to themselves, as they prefer lesser members of the collective to bear the brunt of the battle.

One of the few hold overs from Earth's historic wars, the Sting, is designed to drop from low orbit to secure battlefield positions. Its ability to embed into even the hardest ground gives it an advantage in defense and accuracy.
Equipped with a long range auto-cannon and a shorter range gatling gun, the Sting can provide protection and coverage for faster moving units.

Originally used for mineral extraction and strip-mining, Maulers are modified from their original form to be better suited for combat. Incredibly effective, they are widely regarded as some of the most dangerous weapons in they Scry’Ox’ arsenal. Because of this, they are often easier to avoid then to face head on, exploiting the Mauler’s achilles heel: its speed. The slowest on nearly any given battlefield, their creators hoped to solve this by increasing the range of the Maulers’ gravity shears and anchors, allowing them to lock down and drag in enemies. While partially effective, the Scry’Ox as always seek perfection, and rumor of an in-development new and improved Mauler has been sending shivers down the spines of Space Rangers for some time now.

The UEDF Stormbringer is one of the purpose built weapons used in the last big war humanity fought with itself. Built by Universal Dynamics as a mobile missile platform, thousands were built and deployed with great effect over 100 years ago. When the Scry’Ox were encountered these were some of the first weapons that were pulled out of mothballs and sent in small numbers to Proxima Centauri.
Although the Stormbringer is only moderately armored, and prone to damage due to its exposed warheads, it can unleash multiple devastating waves of direct and indirect fire missiles. Fabricators at the UEDF colony on Proxima Centauri are kept busy resupplying the missiles for these long range weapons.
The Stormbringer has both heavy direct fire missiles and long range indirect fire missiles. It also has twin high velocity gatling guns that can be used to defend itself in close quarters.

The Nexus is a biomechanics extension of the Scry'Ox collective. Acting as a form of booster it helps to keep units in the field connected to the Collective.
Creating the Nexus allows the Scry'Ox queens to maintain communication at longer distances and with more members of the collective than using her native abilities.

The Gungnir is a redesign of a UEDF Dreadnaught heavy battle tank, reduced in size and weight to increase its suitability for space transport, while still maintaining the lethality of the original weapon.
The first purpose built system for battle against the ScryOx, the Gungnir is resistant to the gravity manipulation weapons favored by them, as well as the corrosive nanites they use to disable their opponents. Armored with a steel alloy silicon composite and driving on the dyne Infinity Drive the Gungnir can handle any terrain and can technically fight on the surface of a star ship in total vacuum.
Unfortunately for the UEDF colonists, only a small number of these vehicles were delivered to Proxima Centauri B making them a precious, if valuable element in the battle against the ScryOx.

A swarm consists of 10-20 Ootheca, and is a unique type of creature among the Scry’Ox. Individually each Ootheca has limited intelligence, but when collected in numbers they start to gain sentience and capability, acting as a single organism. Ootheca swarms were originally developed to perform simple tasks, scouting, fertilizing crops, or delivering items over great distances. With their limited mental capabilities individual Ootheca are largely ignored, but larger swarms can achieve a level of sophistication that makes them respected minds in Scry’Ox society. One of the most famous Scry’Ox philosophers was an Ootheca swarm known as Propolus, whose ruminations on the nature of Scry’Ox society are often quoted.
On the battlefield, a swarm can deliver a deadly payload of corrosive nanites, or conversely, heal an ally. They also can intercept attacks against nearby units, or in an act of desperation, violently crash into an opponent, destroying themselves in the process.

The UEDF Scalpel allows for instantaneous communication across the battlefield as well as enhanced targeting due to the high altitude drones that it can release for airborne surveillance. Another system repurposed from scientific research and exploration for combat, the command module's massive compute capability and advanced suite of sensors can also detect adversaries that would otherwise be invisible to other combatants.

Second in the collective hierarchy are the ScryOx E’Monbras, a stout laborer that while significantly less intelligent than the Asprias, are the second most populous species in the collective. E’Monbras perform most of the menial tasks for their society. As members of the Tsski hiveclan, they participate in mining activities by constructing mining gantries, carrying ore, and maintaining the Maulers.
After encountering humanity on Proxima Centauri the humble E’Monbras were modified to be heavily armored with their projectors modified to project weaponized nanites and a large plasma cannon grafted onto their back to create the Scarabs.
Not as fast or as dangerous in close combat as the Reapers, Scarab’s are a powerful force on the battlefield, able to strike from a distance and take tremendous punishment. In close combat, a Scarab can grapple an opponent holding it helpless until their companions can destroy it.